Monday, May 5, 2008
Around 30% of privately-owned companies in Viet Nam expect their business to be up for public listing in the next three years, according to a report produced by Grant Thornton.
Only China, India and Malaysia have a higher rate, according to the recent annual International Business Report.
The survey was conducted on 7,800 private businesses in 34 countries.
The report also states that despite the current turbulence in the world financial markets, 44% of privately held businesses globally are planning to grow through acquisition in the next three years. Of those, 23% anticipate a trans-national deal.
These businesses see domestic and international mergers and acquisition as a key strategic tool to push growth, according to the report.
Domestically, about 29% of private businesses plan to growth through acquisition, whereas only three percent plan to sell their business in the next three years.
Monday, 5 May 2008
Vietnamese firms chomp at bit to list
stock analysis